Every part of our body contains interesting things, even seemingly insignificant parts like nails have a lot to discover. To understand more about the structure of nails as well as discover interesting things about nails, please follow the article below. Composition of nails
Composition of nails
- Nails and bones are the hardest parts of the human body. Particularly for nails, it is considered a modified form of skin but has a different composition and structure from the skin.
- The composition of the nail when analyzed is mainly many layers of hard protein like horns and it is called keratin. Keratin itself is a protein, with a fibrous structure, linked together through chemical bonds to ensure strength.
Location and structure of the Nails
Location and structure of the Nails In terms of composition, nails are made up of many layers of hard, horn-like protein called keratin. Keratin itself is a protein with a fibrous structure, an important structural material that makes up the outer layers of human skin, and is also a major component of hair and nails. Thanks to its tight keratin structure, fingernails and toenails, along with teeth and bones, are considered the hardest parts of the human body. In terms of human nail structure, it usually consists of 3 layers:
- Nail plate: is the visible, outer part of the nail. Composed of the stratum corneum keratin and develop throughout life. The nail plate is pink because lying on the nail bed has many blood vessels.
- Nail bed: is the soft tissue underneath the nail plate, containing many small blood vessels that give the nail its pink color.
- Nail sprout: is considered the root, gathering blood vessels, responsible for supporting and developing the nail.

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Nail growth process
Nails begin to form on the human body starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus will gradually have nails on the fingertips and toes. Nails grow continuously throughout a person’s life and only stop when the body is no longer alive. Unlike bone properties, calcium has no effect on nail growth.
Some properties affect nail growth rate:

Nails grow slowly in:
- Elderly
- People with malnutrition, fever, serious diseases that delay nail growth.
- Contrary to what some people believe, when dead nails no longer grow. In fact, the skin at the base of the nail shrinks, making the nail appear slightly longer.
Nails grow fast in:
- Pregnant women, men and young people, people with hyperthyroidism.
- The dominant hand, the fingers typing on the computer keys, the typewriter, the piano… all stimulate the nails to grow faster due to regular activity, the blood pooled a lot to help nourish the nails.
- The nail on the middle finger (long finger) usually grows the fastest, and the nail on the little finger grows the slowest.
- Fingernails grow up to 2 or 3 times faster than toenails. Nails grow about 0.1mm per day, or 3 to 5mm per month, while toenails only grow about 1.6mm per month. However, toenails are stronger and twice as thick as fingernails.
- In the summer, the nails will grow faster than in the winter, because in the summer, the limbs move a lot to help blood circulation. Similarly, nails also grow faster during the day than at night.
Functions of nails – Benefit nails
- After learning about the structure of nails, we also know that nails not only increase aesthetics but also perform a number of functions:
- Fingernails make it easier for people to function in daily activities: pick up objects, climb, dig, ..
- Nails are like a shield, protecting the network of blood vessels and nerves at the fingertips. The cuticle of the nail will also help retain moisture and protect the body against bacterial invasion.
- Besides protection, nails are also a weapon to attack, scratch, and tear when in danger.
- Signs to recognize disease, as mentioned above, the composition and structure of the nails depends on many factors, but when the nail changes in color, toughness, .. it represents the internal structure changes and the body is facing some difficulties.
- Enhanced sensation: due to the connection of nerves in the fingertips and toes, information is transmitted to the brain quickly. At that time, the nail will increase the sensitivity.
Uses of nails
When learning about the structure of nails, you will notice many interesting surprises:
- Nail growth can be inhibited by stress: stress and fatigue not only affect the body, mind, and hair, but nails are also affected by impaired energy conversion. hamper.
- Nails grow an average of 3.5 mm per month: nails grow faster than toenails, depending on the care and nutrition of each person. Fingernails are on average 3.5mm long each month while toenails are only 1.6mm long.
- Men’s nails grow faster than women’s: not only do men’s nails but also men’s hair grow faster, but when a woman is pregnant, her hair and nails can grow faster.
- Give your nails a break: regularly painting nails will increase the aesthetics and fashion, but the nails will be weak, the nails will be dry, pale because there are many chemicals in the nail polish.
- Health status can be expressed through the color of the nails: as mentioned above in the structure of the nails, the lack of nutrients causes the nail color to change. Yellow fingernails can be caused by thyroid, lung, psoriasis or fungal diseases. White nails may be related to the liver, blue is a sign of lack of oxygen, related to the lungs, heart, etc. question.
- Nail growth rate: nails in winter grow slower and faster in winter. Besides genetic factors, age also affects nail growth.
- The body lacks calcium, so the nails appear white spots? The truth is that those white spots are completely harmless, it could be due to a nail bump or a nail clipping.
Unusual signs of nails – Harms of your nails
Both fingernails and toenails are affected by the overall health of the body. Eating and living habits can affect the shape, color, and structure of the nails and give warning signs of certain diseases. Therefore, through observing and observing human nails and toenails, we can make a preliminary diagnosis of our health status.
Yellow nails
- Yellow nails are indicative of liver disorders, lymphatic disorders or fungal infections. Or the elderly, people with chronic bronchitis, smokers also have yellow nails.
- In rare cases, yellow nails can also be a sign of some serious illness such as thyroid disease, diabetes, lung disease or psoriasis.
White nails
- If your nails have a prominent white color and dark edges, this is also a sign that you have liver problems such as hepatitis, cirrhosis.
Blue nails
- Bluish nails can be caused by a lack of oxygen in your body, which is a sign of lung disease (such as pneumonia) and heart disease, emphysema. In some cases, blue nails can be caused by copper or silver metal poisoning.
Nails with lots of black spots
- If there are black lines under the nails, you should investigate the cause as soon as possible. Sometimes these dark streaks are a symptom of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
Nails with white spots
- Nails with white streaks, white spots on the nails can be a sign of a zinc deficiency in the diet. Normally, the daily requirement of zinc for humans is about 15mg.
- Some people with liver and kidney diseases also often have white nails.
- Swollen skin around the nail
- If the skin around the nail appears red and swollen, it is a sign of inflammation of the skin that covers the inside of the nail base (nail fold inflammation). This can also be the result of lupus erythematosus, an infection, or a connective tissue disorder.
Cracked, split nails
- Fingernails with dry, brittle surfaces that often split can be a symptom of thyroid disease. Cracked or split nails with a yellow color are more likely to be caused by a fungal infection.
Bumpy nails
- If the surface of the nail appears wavy, bumpy, it is an early sign of psoriasis or arthritis. Usually when infected, the nail will change color and the skin under the nail is reddish brown.
Spoon-shaped nails
- When the nail has a concave middle part, the surrounding part is curved up like a spoon and has a thin horny layer, this is a sign that the body is deficient in iron and needs to be supplemented urgently.
- Brittle, easy to break nails
- Brittle and brittle nails are the result of a lack of the mineral iron. Often nails are very sensitive to the depletion of red blood cells, iron deficiency leads to brittleness.
- On the other hand, frequent contact with detergents, solvents, nail polish… can also make nails weak and brittle.
If you have kidney disease, nail fungus disease, the patient also often shows signs of brittleness and vulnerability.
Depending on living habits, diet and medical history, human fingernails and toenails can have different manifestations. For abnormal signs, the patient needs to discuss more with the doctor to diagnose and make the most accurate conclusion.
Come to our Salon Rose Nails, will bring you healthy, beautiful and gorgeous nails.