Why should you not cut your nails at night?

In folklore, there are concepts, which many people still believe and follow to be able to avoid risks and bad luck in life. One of the interesting things that many people believe in is cutting nails at night. So why shouldn’t you cut your nails when it’s dark? The following article will help you clarify this issue.

Why abstain from cutting nails at night?

  • We Vietnamese have always believed in the five elements, feng shui and the elements of numerology. This is considered a unique culture, so since ancient times, there is a saying “there is sacredness, there is abstention”. As for the act of cutting nails, according to the old belief, nails should not be cut at night. This action brings a lot of bad luck, attracts “hidden” souls, affects the health, spirit and fate of the performer. But why is that, and where does this concept come from?

According to the concept of five elements

  • According to the information in the Five Elements book, cutting nails at night is a bad act, affecting feng shui in the house, from which nail clippers will often encounter calamities. Human fingernails are a part that represents the yang part. The longer the nail, the more positive qi. Meanwhile, in feng shui, the yin and yang elements must be balanced. Nail clipping will make yin flourish and yang decline. From there, the heavier the yin, the more unbalanced, and the bad luck will come easily.

According to the spiritual concept

  • For the psychological concept, cutting nails at night, falling nails will lead to the phenomenon of “catching the soul”, or the yin follows and clings to the house. The gas is parasitic in the body, sucking life force, from which the body will be soulless, mentally tired, the body is not clear, even crazy.
  • This concept comes from the story of “robbing the soul” of a woman who was murdered by her husband. Before she died, she pulled all her nails and became a ghost with nowhere to go. From then on, whenever someone cut their nails at night, the ghost would come and steal that person’s soul. However, this story is only word of mouth and no one has proven it to be true.

Follow science

  • If you do not believe in the five elements or spirituality, then you can seek information from science. Many studies have shown that our nails are made of protein. The fingertips are the location where many blood vessels and sensory cells are concentrated. Therefore, the function of the nail is to protect the tip of the finger.
  • Therefore, from the studies, the conclusion is that we should limit nail clipping at night. Evening is the time for nerve cells to rest, if nail clipping is performed, this action will have a physical impact on the tip of the finger, causing a feeling of fatigue or dismay the next morning.
  • From all 3 points in the 3 areas shared above, we can see that, regardless of the concept, cutting nails at night is not advisable.

cutting nails at night

What days and times of the day should you abstain from cutting your nails?

Besides not cutting your nails at night, if you want to receive good luck, good feng shui, and favorable conditions, you need to abstain from cutting your nails on some of the following days:

Do not cut nails on the first day of the month

  • The first day of the month, ie the 1st day of the lunar calendar, is a day with lots of yin around outside. This is also the reason why many families worship and pray on the first day of the month to pray for good things for the whole month. Therefore, if you cut your nails on this day, the body will lose yang and easily be penetrated by bad yin.

First day of the year

  • The first day of the year, whether it is a lunar or solar day. On this day, according to the concept of many people, all must be complete and neat. Cutting nails on the first day of the year means the body is lost, making the whole year not prosperous, everything is not favorable, not full.

Do not cut nails when the body is sick

  • When sick, the body will be very tired and lose strength. If the nail is cut at this time, the blood vessels and nerves at the tips of the nails will be affected, from which the health will deteriorate further and the condition will get worse.

Don’t cut your nails before important occasions

  • Important occasions such as exams, opening days, important days, etc., you should not cut your nails. Because the act of cutting nails will bring a lot of risks and bad luck. Not to mention, cutting the nail accidentally breaking the nail will cause pain and discomfort the next day, or make the mind not clear and comfortable for exams, presentations, thesis work, ….

What days can cutting nails bring good omen?

Our nails grow longer every day, so to ensure a convenient life, to ensure hygiene, nail clipping is necessary. But when should you cut your nails? Here are some times you can trim your nails for good luck:

Should cut nails at noon, daytime

  • If you can’t cut your nails at night, you can trim them in the morning and at noon. The best time is from 11am to 1pm. During this time, yang qi is very strong, so cutting the nails will not cause yang qi to be overwhelmed. In addition, during the day in full light, the nail clipping is clearly observed, avoiding the case of cutting into the skin or cutting too close to the nail. So, if you want to cut your nails because they are too long, choose to cut them while there is still sunlight.

3rd, 4th, 5th day of lunar calendar

  • Not only cutting hair during the day, if you want to receive a lot of luck and good things, choose a day to cut your nails. In particular, according to the five-element calendar, the 3rd, 4th and 5th are good days and bring good things. On these days, you can cut your nails comfortably, absorb positive energy, or cut your nails to release bad luck. Especially those of you who are having bad luck, or business is sluggish.

The 8th day of the lunar calendar

  • Also according to the five elements calendar, the 8th of the lunar calendar is also a very good day, with a lot of vitality and energy to help you improve your luck and luck in the month. Nail clipping on the 8th day of the lunar calendar means prosperity, abundant health, fullness, happiness, …

Trimming your nails is a simple act and needs to be done regularly. However, to help yourself always have a lot of luck, as well as feel secure, it is best not to cut your nails at night, as well as some timelines as shared in the article. Because the act of cutting nails can be done at any time, anywhere, so please choose the cutting date and time to ensure your safety and convenience.

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